Hiking Club – San Juan Capistrano Ecology Reserve

Event details

  • Saturday | July 29, 2023
  • 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
  • San Juan Capistrano Ecology Reserve
When: July 29th, 2023 at 10:00am
Where: Meeting off Camino Las Ramblas near the trailhead for Patriot Trail and Cerro Rebal Trail Loop. Here is a link for Directions.
What to Bring: Water, Snacks, Epi-pen (if needed), a hat or head covering of some kind, good hiking shoes and a change of shoes if coming to the ecology center, maybe even a change of clothes, a jacket, maybe a blanket for later, a carrying bag for things that are purchased at the ecology center (this place is awesome and you’ll likely shop), and as always, an “open top” (words used by our founder of CSL, Ernest Holmes).
What to expect: There are several native wildflowers on the trail, so I would like to play a game to see what you guys have learned on our hikes so far, there have been some sightings of tarantulas, bunnies, birds, and the sounds of snakes, but none on the trails yet, dogs are welcome, but need to be on a leash (just don’t bring doggie if you’re staying for the festival please), the hike is moderate and has some inclines but is relatively short and should only take an hour and a half. There are no instructions for parking so I am going to wing it when I get there to find a spot. Since we are meeting a little later than usual, please note that it might be a tad warmer, however we’ll be in OC, and there may be more people on the trails.
Please RSVP no later than the Sunday prior to the hike, so July 23rd, 2023.