Licensed Practitioners

Janie Currey, RScP.
Religious Science Practitioner
"Spirit expresses life abundantly as beauty, joy, harmony, order, love. I believe this philosophy of UNITY compels one into the spiritual presence of abundance, and I enjoy sharing this with others. Come share your path for a while -- I enjoy listening to the stories of life.
(909) 576-0798

Laura Garrett, RScP.
Religious Science Practitioner
"As a Practitioner at CSLTV It is my joy to reflect truth I know, and see, by offering Spiritual guidance and support. I believe in honoring who and where you are and powerfully creating what you want from this place. "
(951) 757-6890

Beth Haase, RScP.
Religious Science Practitioner
"When you need reminding of this, let us walk together a few steps on this journey called Life.
(760) 672-4692

Pam Migliozzi, RScP.
Religious Science Practitioner
"I believe becoming a Spiritual Practitioner is one of the greatest blessings bestowed upon me. The one word I chose to define my ministry is "service". My greatest happiness comes from serving & knowing the Truth for all beloveds."
(951) 233-2649

Julie Nims, RScP.
Religious Science Practitioner
"My life has been full of ups and downs but my spiritual growth has always been a constant. Prayer and Meditation are the keystones by which I live.
I love this teaching and knowing it is “open at the top” to quote Ernest Holmes keeps me ready to learn and grow more."
My Skills include:
Licensed RScP Practitioner since 1988
Workshop facilitator
CSL TV Book Club facilitator
(951) 265-4489

Mary Russell, RScP.
Religious Science Practitioner
"I became a Religious Science Licensed Practitioner in 2017 which moved my life to a whole new level. I see my path as one where I help people understand who they are: A spiritual being having a human experience, and that we are, each responsible for creating our own lives, there is no need for blame shame or guilt and that we are eternal and loved beyond measure.
My Skills Include:
RScP since 2017
RN, BSN, MSW with concentration in Mental Health
I see my role as one of service with Love & Compassion for all, And So It Is!
(951) 205 - 5859

Religious Science Practitioner
Don Taylor, RScP.
Don discovered Science of Mind over a decade ago, and it immediately filled a longing to be immersed in a religious or spiritual realm, which then led him to the perfect path of becoming a Religious Science Practitioner.
He states, “I love people and I love being a positive, beneficial force in people’s lives.”
One of his favorite quotes is from Thomas Troward:
“Principle is not bound by precedence.”
(951) 551-5177

Jim Willis, RScP.
Religious Science Practitioner
"My role as a Practitioner for this Center involves staying active, loyal and supporting to both the Center and the Senior Minister as well as knowing the truth for all who come to me for healing."
(951) 308-1318

Religious Science Practitioner
Ann Woodward, RScP.
"My greatest joy is in helping those who are seeking; in knowing their Truth, knowing that everything is in perfect order, and knowing that Love, Joy, and Harmony are aspects of God available to all."
(951) 514-7405